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Welcome to the Course Selection Guide!

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HSI-Sugar Land Course Selection 2021-2022 Deadlines Poster

The process of choosing your courses is a cooperative effort involving you, your parents, teachers, and school college counselor. The 2021-2022 course selection materials can be found on the HSI-Sugar Land website https://hsisl.harmonytx.org. You can print any or all of these files for your use. The courses that you choose during this course selection process will be treated like a contract. You will be expected to take and complete all the courses on your plan for the upcoming year. No course changes will be allowed without meeting valid criteria.

Counselor Educational Planning Sessions

The second week after the Winter Break, counselors host educational planning sessions (Advisory Classes) with their current students in grades 9-11 to review the course request process and to review graduation requirements, college admissions requirements, course offerings, and procedures for making course requests during the course selection meetings.

Individual Student Planning (ISP) Meetings with Counselors

School counselors will meet individually with each student to finalize course selections. Parents are most welcome to attend as well. 

  • 8th Grade Course Selection Dates: January 23, 2021 – February 5, 2021
  • High School Course Selection Dates: January 19, 2021 – January 22, 2021 & February 9, 2021 – March 11, 2021

Individual Student Planning (ISP) Meetings consists of activities that focus on assisting each student to develop, analyze and evaluate his or her education, career and personal goals and plans. Individual Student Planning Meeting addresses the same objectives for all students in a given grade, and results in a portfolio outlining career and educational pathways. Functions of the counselor in this component include individual advisement, placement and appraisal. 